The Gillian Trilogy

Gillian is an extremely large asteroid headed to earth that will surely destroy everything on the planet. Three parts tell the story of denial, acceptance, and possible aftermath of Gillian reaching our planet.

Part 1 – Seriously? An asteroid is headed our way? Or is this just a practical joke being played by that prankster Ricky.
Part 2 – What do we do? We only have one day before it hits earth!
Part 3 – Will humans be extinct after the earth is destroyed? Will the planet be better off without us?

Script may be purchased by contacting the playwright.

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1 or 2 acts. Part 1 is standalone and can be performed on its own. Parts 2 and 3 can be performed on their own or as Act 2.


Part 1: 5M 7F plus 4 gender neutral
Part 2: 2M, 7F plus 1 gender neutral
Part 3: 15 gender neutral

Permission to perform this play

Contact the playwright. to arrange permissions to perform this play.

Groups earning revenues associated with the show (e.g. refreshments) are subject to performance royalty fees. Royalty fees may be waived for groups earning no revenue associated with the performance or have extenuating circumstances by contacting the playwright.