James Blond Gets Smart

Inspired by the original Get Smart television series and the James Bond movies, this comedy introduces Maxine Smart and James Blond. Although Maxine prefers to work alone, she is ordered to team up with her British counterpart to thwart the BAD organization’s evil plot of world domination.

Script may be purchased through Amazon or by contacting the playwright.

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1 or 2 acts if combined with the sequel James Blond Gets Smart-ER.


Casting is highly flexible. There are 30 speaking roles of which 22 can be doubled, or tripled, depending on how large the cast is.

5 M 3 F; remainder are gender neutral.

Contact the playwright. to arrange permissions to perform this play.

Groups earning revenues associated with the show (e.g. refreshments) are subject to performance royalty fees. Royalty fees may be waived for groups earning no revenue associated with the performance or have extenuating circumstances by contacting the playwright.