Surviving Camp

Rival summer camps are situated on opposite sides of Lake Emerald. Camp Wanabe and Camp Imperial are entirely different camper experiences: Camp Wanabe is laid back and disorganized while Camp Imperial is an autocracy run by its self-declared leader. The two camps ultimately square off at the Camp Cup Challenge where each camp’s leadership is called into question.

This is a very large cast! The original production was rehearsed as two separate groups which then merged together at the end of the rehearsal process.

Script may be purchased by contacting the playwright.

Additional information




1 act


Camp Wanabe: 2M 12 F
Camp Imperial: 15 gender neutral; 1 role can be pre-recorded.

Permission to perform this play

Contact the playwright. to arrange permissions to perform this play.

Groups earning revenues associated with the show (e.g. refreshments) are subject to performance royalty fees. Royalty fees may be waived for groups earning no revenue associated with the performance or have extenuating circumstances by contacting the playwright.